Lack of Internet because it is too expensive. Using it at the church. Very cool meeting Chinese Christians from around the world. My roomate is from Nunavut. What? There are people there? I've been a lot of the French locals as well and doing the cheek to cheek (faux kiss) greeting. It is counter-intuitive for the reserved Chinese Canadians. A lot of nervous laughter. Richard is fine with it.
So far, we've been learning about Daniel's quiet witness to Nebuchanezzar. It took at least twenty years for N. to recognize God's power. This spoke to me because a lot of time, I give up on witnessing to particular person after a short time like 6 months. I hate the attention span of a fruit fly
As I write this, the french locals are practicing for worship. Worshipping with people from around the world is awesome. We've been singing french worship songs, worship songs translated into french, swedish song, chinese song. It's awesome to see us all praise the same God in the same language.
Crowding onto the local bus is quite funny but I feel sorry for the local townspeople. They must think that all of China has moved onto Bus 111.
I've had the opportunity to share with my roommate and to pray with her. It's amazing to meet someone who chose to give up everything to become a tentmaker in Nunavut. Also met someone who gave up a $150,000 job offer to go into seminary. Some people would call them crazy but they are simply following God's calling.
My french..what can I say? It's quite funny. I met someone who jsut took the fireman's test and I couldn't remember the word for fireman (pompier) so I called him a "combatteur de feu". I also couldn't remember the word for glasses (lunettes) so I said "fenetres pour les yeux".
Prayer requests? language as always.....and to be an effective witness to the kids.
Hi guys, my first comment on your site ^^
Your blog is so precious to me, it's like I can live the conference again, but in your points of view.
Serving God during those days -in the worship team- was such an amazing experience, I can tell that you guys were sooooo beautiful, praising Him with the same joyful heart! =D I should have taken pictures from the stage -_-"
Elaine, one of God's greatest blessings since this conference is to have met you on this Tuesday, May 18th 10.30am at Bercy 2 mall, in front of the photo booth! ^^
I can still remember me talking with Esther and then a girl suddenly interrupting: "hey let me introduce myself, I'm Elaine etc.."! I must admit I was a bit surprised, but still so excited to meet Canadian people (you guys know how I love Canada)!
*sigh* such a precious experience, we've only spent 3-4 days listening to the pastors/missionaries, but it seems like we knew each other for long! Amazing God's love making us feel so familiar... God's Family!
Elaine, we all can tell that you speak French fluently, don't worry bout it!
Don't have words enough to express my joy for having met you guys, so thankful to God... can't wait to come to your place! ;)
Keep in touch ^________^
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